Spinal Tap lore I just learned: if you ordered the 1992 Spinal Tap official calendar, this is what you got pic.twitter.com/fVX7Cme8l2
— Mr. Completely (@Mr_Completely) January 5, 2021
I too hope that Jarrett Allen is enjoying the hell out of himself watching his own highlights pic.twitter.com/EBto10FtEJ
— CJ Fogler #BlackLivesMatter (@cjzero) January 6, 2021
I’ve said it before but it bears repeating pic.twitter.com/AFJ0BQ0ihl
— Doth (@DothTheDoth) January 4, 2021
Peacock is literally pricing their service based on how much of the Office you can watch what is going on pic.twitter.com/mTHX0GYXSh
— cowabummer (@ItsRetroNemo) January 5, 2021
Reject Embrace
— harry (@HarrysBadTweets) January 4, 2021
modernity tradition pic.twitter.com/LTkhoNQF5o
Jumping on a ship going over large waves pic.twitter.com/Wjkaqml3kN
— babygirk (@emotionalpedant) January 5, 2021
Somebody found this Corgi puppy laid out in a shop surrounded by claret. They thought he'd been attacked and was hurt and bleeding...
— SeaweedTea Drinker (@BlondieAtlanta) January 5, 2021
It turns out he'd eaten and entire jar of Jam and passed out on the floor in a sugar crash...😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/SMjF27vaiz
teaching her to husky howl, unsuccessfully pic.twitter.com/HBWh1SgXhw
— honor elliott (@honorelliott_) January 4, 2021
*More funny posts.