if I were writing a story for a tribute anthology built around @joe_hill's Heart-Shaped Box, I think this might be where it starts (via @joeferrer) https://t.co/zWUb3JPVVk
— Stephen Graham Jones (@SGJ72) February 10, 2021
First Extinguisher Bombs. These were meant to be thrown at burning areas, not sure if the liquid inside is water or something else. Love the lil’ mascot! pic.twitter.com/bcqGqP9NOs
— Merch Motel (@merchmotel) February 10, 2021
A trick to make Twitter crop your image/artwork nicely 👇
— ARC (@arc4g) February 10, 2021
To add more info, use https://t.co/j11VjtPrMW to make the gif, it's very simple, just go to the gif maker, upload your artwork, click copy on the artwork so you get 2 frames instead of 1, click make gif, done, if it's too large click optimize after
— ARC (@arc4g) February 10, 2021