Well, this is one way to trick people into thinking your game has positive reviews on Steam…! pic.twitter.com/jnzGC9qfEu
— Patrick Klepek (@patrickklepek) February 10, 2021
— Lee Olsen (@shiftrefresh) January 26, 2021
Mortal Kombat Zero Budget Fatality🤤🤯 (Jaxx) #mk11 #playstation pic.twitter.com/gcegtqua9c
— Ayo The Creator (@ayothecreator) January 29, 2021
At the end of Metal Gear Solid 3, Big Boss salutes the grave of his fallen mentor, and if you switch to first-person the image is blurred by his tears. I think this rules personally.
— Andy Kelly (@ultrabrilliant) February 11, 2021
And the Spanish version takes it to a different world entirely pic.twitter.com/FXnOLKbD4Z
— Mister Magic (@Mr_JamesLandis) January 31, 2021