Jennifer Connelly and Ludo (Rob Mills/Ron Mueck) taking a break from filming Labyrinth.
— Diane Doniol-Valcroze (@ddoniolvalcroze) May 26, 2021
I can't fathom how the phone was with her, this was at least 6 months after it had been banned from all airlines. She was like "I have a new phone anyway, but I use it for photos so I'd like to get those" I was like ma'am our fire department has to contain and destroy your phone
— Jenny Nicholson (@JennyENicholson) May 25, 2021
Say It Ain't So, Crime Dog!
— BreakingT (@BreakingT) May 25, 2021
This was actually an idea we had for harm reduction at events! Get the most common ♀️♂️ names and flash "drink water Kevin" and "Jessica, drink water" for one frame out of every few minutes of VJ stuff.
— Terry Gotham (@TerryGotham) May 22, 2021
Jordan Greenway whacked Jonathan Marchessault's stick over the glass and out of the rink
— CJ Fogler (@cjzer0) May 25, 2021
Usually I hate gender reveals but this one is straight🔥
— Naofumi Iwatana (@ShieldHero85) May 22, 2021
E2 🚨 • A completely unnecessary throw, on ball four
— MLB Errors (@mlberrors) May 29, 2021
if the gossip girl reboot doesn’t have a scene as chaotic as the thanksgiving scene, i don’t want it.
— chu (@chuuzus) May 28, 2021
the thiccest chicks here in Twitch's new hot tub category
— Cecilia D'Anastasio (@cecianasta) May 24, 2021
My dog figured out that I’ve been hiding an allergy pill in his breakfast, and leaves it defiantly on the floor. So I started hiding TWO pills in there. He only ever finds the one. HAHAHA YOU GOT PLAYED MY MAN enjoy not having allergies lol
— mah ree nah (@marinarachael) May 27, 2021
*More funny posts.