Monday, May 7, 2018

Greenland from above


A supply ship cruises towards the location of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, leaving a frothy mix of oil and seawater in its wake. The recent news that the U.S. Interior Department will allow an expansion of offshore oil and gas drilling is the exact opposite of the action needed to reduce our carbon emissions. Expanding the production and usage of petroleum products only pushes is further away from the goals to limit the impacts of global warming. We've already seen multiple examples of the environmental devastation that results when offshore oil drilling efforts go awry, but it seems we've largely forgotten these "inconvenient truths." #spill #oilspill #gulfofmexico #climatechange #globalwarming #fossilfuels #oil #gulfoilspill #bpgulfoilspill #mindshift #ilcp_photographers #catherineedelmangallery #blueearthphoto #climatechangeisreal #greenpeace #greenpeaceusa #greenpeaceinternational
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