@NiagParksPolice advising that @NiagaraParks Roads Department closing Niagara River Parkway near Mathers Arch. Strong winds blowing ice over the retaining wall from the lake. Drive with caution. Video courtesy @NiagRegPolice Insp. Garvey.... pic.twitter.com/RdXh5HYxfx— Niagara Parks Police (@NiagParksPolice) February 24, 2019
"Walls of ice—some as high as 30 feet—surged over the shoreline, colliding with residential properties"
Here’s more video from 80, this from Donner Summit about 20 minutes ago. 80 remains closed in both directions with no ETO. pic.twitter.com/IEyikWMLZf— Caltrans District 3 (@CaltransDist3) February 27, 2019