Thailand started 2020 with a major plastic bag ban so now Thais have made it a trend to put their shoppings in random things & i’m living for it LMFAO— siam (@sihamese) January 4, 2020
For a couple of days my cat had been showing signs of dying, not drinking, not eating, sleeping and hiding. So I go to the vets today and the vet straight up said. “He looks like he got into a fight and he’s depressed he lost, his vitals are fine”.— PaladinAmber (@PaladinAmber) January 4, 2020
went to high school at an anarchist commune and we had a workshop week where one of the workshops was literally just barricade making.— alma (@knifefemme) January 5, 2020
— Sword lesbian. (@TMSTSTFD) August 30, 2019
when you’re a divorce lawyer, but at the same time, you’re bald— Bill DiFilippo (@billdifilippo) January 4, 2020
If you’re bored a nice thing to do is watch an instagram story and then put your phone down and leave them playing so everyone sees you watched their stories and you care about them.— James Hamblin (@jameshamblin) January 4, 2020
My biggest achievement last year was when my gf texted me an old picture of her uncle graduating from clown college and I responded “so you were a legacy??”— Mike Ginn (@shutupmikeginn) January 4, 2020
remember when you had to pay for ringtones now i would throw my phone out the window if it made a single sound— doctor peanut (@NINETIREDBUGS) January 5, 2020
"Walk it off you little s***"— Mr. Meowgi (@Mr_Meowwwgi) January 2, 2020
*More funny posts.