I was way off.No cheating: guess the “controversial” photoshoot location pic.twitter.com/qXAJMiNLpt
— Evan Rytlewski (@Evanryt) April 22, 2023
i do not think the founders envisioned us being ruled by an unaccountable council of nine who get to take bribes
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) April 26, 2023
The last time Clarence Thomas got himself in ethical hot water, Chief Justice Roberts's response was to close ranks and basically tell the other two branches "that's a pretty nice ethics statute you've got there. Would be a shame if I had to break it."https://t.co/hibZgzCViD pic.twitter.com/3bvEGZhYBa
— Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) April 25, 2023
My new retirement plan is to buy a ton of below market property on predatory loans with very little money down and then become a Supreme Court justice as quickly as possible https://t.co/P0O4gYh0ST
— kang (@jaycaspiankang) April 25, 2023
every day this girl wakes up and thinks "time to talk abt the swimming race I lost six years ago" https://t.co/wxw0SfW9vV
— america's lounge singer (@KrangTNelson) April 25, 2023
On the basis that the young activist base of the republican party never found an 80/20 issue they didn't want the 20 side of, i fully expect senate campaigns in 2024 or 2026 to have "banning no fault divorce" as a prominent plank https://t.co/oGinMkURIP
— your himbo boyfriend (@swolecialism) April 26, 2023
Well, it's publicity! pic.twitter.com/YnWFAOFneu
— Mike Bird (@Birdyword) April 26, 2023
Tales from Biden’s America: woman at Market Hotel bar rings me up for beer, looks at price — “HOW much? No, no, that’s too much. I’m not charging you that” — and pretends I bought a coke.
— Nick Newman (@Nick_Newman) April 25, 2023
Pepsi. 14% revenue growth. Virtually no volume growth. https://t.co/TTkpiHs9rC pic.twitter.com/JETm60LDF9
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) April 25, 2023
I've never seen a 538 article recommended by anyoneoh no where will I get my violently uninformed public health advice https://t.co/RrE4scnfOR
— Karl Bode (@KarlBode) April 25, 2023
I saw that same guy at RSA in 2012 do a preso in a straight jacket on a unicycle
— Valerie Thomas (@hacktress09) April 25, 2023
— Todd Vaziri (@tvaziri) April 25, 2023
This has always been so funny to me. “A gun? It’s a dream man you can make anything you want happen” and then he just gets a bigger gun https://t.co/RuRugy1fd5
— Claire Penis (@ZeroSuitCamus) April 13, 2023
I like this premise pic.twitter.com/N5En7CPD6G
— Ken Parille (@KenParille) April 13, 2023
everytime there's a discourse on the mario movie i get reminded of this pic.twitter.com/CcVk2FiIUx
— 🎉 Gabe 🎉 (@PaintyPaints) April 14, 2023
This is Lasagna, a neighborhood cat who has mastered using the storm drains as a subterranean roadway. I marvel at the adventures Lasagna must have, and whenever I see him head down there I hear the “entering a dungeon” steps noise from Zelda 1. https://t.co/wtg60Fp9Be pic.twitter.com/hEEiqjYwC8
— Drew Mackie (@drewgmackie) April 13, 2023
@abenarabi_juggerclub ⚔️ ¡Descubre el Jugger con nosotros! 👌🏼 Patrocinadores y Colaboradores del Club: —- ✅ 942estudio - Diseño y Desarrollo digital - @942estudio ✅ Idotaniko - Personalización de ropa - @idotaniko ✅ MB Fisios - Centro de Fisioterapia y Preparación Física - @mbfisios ✅ Supermercado Charter C/ Infanta Cristina, 3. Murcia. ✅ Cervecería "Viejo Candela" —- #jugger #juggerworldwide #juggerespaña #deporteminoritario #deportealairelibre #deportealternativo #felucha #federaciondelucha #deporte #deportemixto #deporteinclusivo #deportefemenino #regiondemurcia #murcia #abenarabi ♬ sonido original - Abenarabi Jugger Club
@keelywatson95 9 minutes in, McCabe ☠️ #arsenal #mancity #katiemccabe #womensfootball #shithousery ♬ original sound - Lucy
@pubity The way the cat was lying on his back at the end 😭😭😭 (Florbbazan via @ViralHog) #pubity ♬ original sound - Ewiott
@itsdanielleyarbrough If donkey basketball was an Olympic sport, he’d win the Gold Medal @mr.dawsonyarbrough #donkeybasketball #ag #highschool #country #ffa ♬ original sound - Knox
*More funny posts.