I stayed in one where the owner (we allegedly had the place to ourselves) was lurking/hiding in the locked, forbidden basement space the entire time. He would enter & leave through a window on the main floor (we found a chair outside) when we were either asleep or out.— Ellen Enders (@EllenEnders) June 11, 2019
AI banker that never cheats but funnels data on your spending habits directly to credit reporting agencies https://t.co/WdTgDqTyyE— Casey Johnston (@caseyjohnston) June 19, 2019
"both Boeing and Federal Aviation Administration leaders are concerned that if such discussions become public they could be overblown or sensationalized"— Tom Gara (@tomgara) June 19, 2019
My personal favorite because I love imagining the awkward small talk between these 20-something bridesmaids and these Boomers who are on the second marriage. pic.twitter.com/Zi3kuZYrdH— nobody (@less_scrutable) June 18, 2019
The Sibley breaker, Pennsylvania, as captured in 1886, destroyed by fire on June 23, 1906. pic.twitter.com/UYeW2syzWn— Federico Italiano (@FedeItaliano76) June 17, 2019
This is a phenomenal read about the chaos and horror of war by legendary Chicago writer Lee Sandlin. Here's what he wrote about Okinawa — and his story about what actually happened at Midway is unforgettable. https://t.co/YT6KUm5DhK pic.twitter.com/V70ZfNqMSp— Joel Reese (@joelcreese) June 14, 2019
“What [gig economy apps have] done is pool the servants, make them available to more people, make it easier to communicate tasks, and — most importantly — make it possible to not think of them as servants at all.”— Adrian Hon (@adrianhon) June 12, 2019
On July 16, 1979, an earthen dam burst at a uranium mill in Church Rock, New Mexico, releasing 94 million gallons of radioactive waste into the Rio Puerco. For most people reading this, this is likely the first time they’ve ever heard of the event. 1/ https://t.co/ceI0njdBFR— So Long, Gay Brian (@Spocks_Brian) May 28, 2019