Friday, June 7, 2019

"Amazon refused to scan me unless I signed a nondisclosure agreement ... saying I wouldn’t write about the experience of getting scanned"

Katie Notopoulos:
When Amazon said it was offering a $25 gift card to people in New York City willing to let it make a 3D scan of their bodies for undisclosed “research” on an “internal project,” most people reacted with a firm no thanks. No one in their right mind is going to strip down to their skivvies to allow Amazon to hoover up your actual biometric data


So I didn’t get the scan. Someone who did get the scan told me they had to fill out additional questions about their clothing size, height, and weight. Next, they were escorted to another room where someone actually measured their height and weight (there’s no lying to Amazon!)


The person was instructed to do several poses: standing straight, standing arms slightly akimbo to make an “A” shape, and a “fun” pose. “They said some people have trouble coming up with a fun pose,” the volunteer said.


The volunteer wasn’t allowed to see the photos Amazon took, and they didn’t share anything about what the scans would be used for, not even what model Terminator would take the form of their body.
More Amazon:
Amazon's home surveillance company Ring is using video captured by its doorbell cameras in Facebook advertisements that ask users to identify and call the cops on a woman whom local police say is a suspected thief.

In the video, the woman’s face is clearly visible and there is no obvious criminal activity taking place. The Facebook post shows her passing between two cars. She pulls the door handle of one of the cars, but it is locked.

The video freezes on a still of the woman’s face from two different angles: “If you recognize this woman, please contact the Mountain View Police Department … please share with your neighbors,” text superimposed on the video says. In a post alongside the video, Ring urges residents of Mountain View, California to contact the police department if they recognize her