Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"McDonald's has slashed its drive-thru service times"; when The Hamburglar was "The Long Jogger"

In June, the company’s drive-thru service times were 15 seconds shorter on average than they were a year earlier in the U.S., a noticeable reduction the company believes will pay dividends over the long run.


Company executives believe culling precious seconds off those drive-thru service times will be key to get customers coming in more frequently. Traffic is down again this year, despite strong sales, continuing a frustrating, seven-year trend for the Chicago-based burger giant.

“We want to get incremental improvement week-to-week-to-week,” Easterbrook said. “So each time a customer comes back, they will notice a few seconds’ difference.”
Speaking of McDonald's, have you ever seen proto-Hamburglar's early identity as "The Lone Jogger?" Like something out of Syfy's Candle Cove:

*Previously: McDonalds and Heinz split up.