Examples of Shanghai's fast-disappearing hybrid function informal architecture. In these type of buildings, the owners usually live on the middle floor, run a business on the ground floor and breed pigeons in the roof tower— Irène DB (@UrbanFoxxxx) July 28, 2019
[photo: Veronika Spierenburg, U-TT, Zhang Yue] pic.twitter.com/83BrpuEnNt
And some more magical architecture:
Rocamadour, Francehttps://t.co/iDxAhc7plj pic.twitter.com/xoK0FUEcd6— Archpng (@archpng) July 25, 2019
Japan's seawalls were built to keep tsunamis out. They've caused turmoil within: https://t.co/GT0uczFM50— WIRED (@WIRED) July 26, 2019
📸: Tadashi Ono pic.twitter.com/erWC5q79Dm
An Instagram account dedicated to walls in Japanese cities. Yes please.https://t.co/Rvd9fCSrIJ pic.twitter.com/adLlivhJ5A— Irène DB (@UrbanFoxxxx) November 17, 2018
Extreme air-conditioning, Singapore style.— Irène DB (@UrbanFoxxxx) July 25, 2019
[photo: VL Kong, C. Green, Reuters] pic.twitter.com/EhlJ7YdcVU
Michael Wolf— Irène DB (@UrbanFoxxxx) March 12, 2018
'Hong Kong, Informal Solutions: Exhausts' (2015)https://t.co/cLEqJtKlt5https://t.co/kFYZEU1w6X#photography #HongKong pic.twitter.com/FCRbRUWwNj
*Previously: Underwater restaurant in Norway.