My friend Jess sent me this video after they kept her whole building awake last night.— Clark Rogers (@clark__rogers) July 13, 2019
Shark Tank but every week finance bros justify their income to a panel of 4 cashiers at Burger King— sitrick (@davidsitrick) July 13, 2019
Nothing says John Deere Classic like putting with a backhoe— CJ Fogler (@cjzer0) July 13, 2019
I’m at a kid’s birthday party.— Kyle Brandt (@KyleBrandt) July 13, 2019
These two dads show up. These guys don’t know each other. This wasn’t planned. This is a total coincidence. Or rather, a miracle. God bless this country.
حاولت البس عقال، بس راسي مثلث... ما يثبت!— DoritosArabia (@DoritosArabia) April 7, 2015
Reddit: here is a screenshot of the Facebook post of the stolen tweet with all the names blacked out.— Clouvas (@Clouvas) July 10, 2019
— iari (@vivisjoon) July 12, 2019
Caliban’s book store in Pittsburgh has the best organization of a biology section I’ve ever seen.— Naomi Lewandowski (@naomilewski) July 13, 2019
new contender in the Tour de France 🐎— Wesley Burt (@wesburt) July 14, 2019
Hi this cured my depression— Pikachu stole all my fruit and called me a bitch (@FizzySodaWave) July 12, 2019
*More funny posts.