Sen. Blumenthal asks Facebook "Will you commit to ending Finsta?"
— Eric Morrow (@morroweric) September 30, 2021
Facebook's safety chief has to explain that Finsta is slang for a fake account.
The prelude to the question:
Here Senator Blumenthal perfectly explains what "finstas" are (fake instas). He's seen documents from the FB whistleblower which indicates FB sees a business proposition in users creating second, private accounts sometimes without the knowledge of parents. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
— Zamaan Qureshi (@zamaan_qureshi) September 30, 2021
Slate summarized the WSJ's recent reporting on the topic.Also @SenBlumenthal knows what a Finsta is because he made one!
— Zamaan Qureshi (@zamaan_qureshi) September 30, 2021