I’m torn between tut-tutting this juvenile behavior and being like lol epic own https://t.co/U9SZnkuXnF pic.twitter.com/Hipc7jayDA— Katie Notopoulos (@katienotopoulos) September 23, 2019
I'll never shame the $$ models that sustain 1600 journalists in 2019, but its truly wild to read a paywalled 1400-word column about an experiment to identify the perfect boiled egg recipe, get to the end, and discover the recipe is behind an Inception-style paywall-within-paywall https://t.co/7npDVypkJM— Tom Gara (@tomgara) September 23, 2019
I want to be in the meeting where this idea was proposed pic.twitter.com/Bf5KpQF716— Tariq Rauf (@tariqrauf) September 18, 2019
Saudi oil attack highlights Middle East’s drone war— Rob Carlson (@rob_carlson) September 18, 2019
"The asymmetry between strike and response is notable. Israel has used Patriot missiles costing $3m to $4m to take down quadcopter drones costing about $1,000."
https://t.co/fCoQi6gmzg via @financialtimes
At the med device startup I worked at, the founders couldn't afford a fancy digital microscope for the lab in the early days, so they hacked an Intel toy microscope and wrote new firmware for it.— Joseph Flaherty (@josephflaherty) September 17, 2019
Was still in use a decade later — and a billion products shipped — later. https://t.co/JCFdgfE6Og pic.twitter.com/iLdfOgA7r2
Industrial design + branding for the Fujifilm Pivi mobile printer line (2004).— Y2K Aesthetic Institute 💽 (@y2k_aesthetic) September 19, 2019
Development for this printing system took 5 years before its release to the public, from 1999 to 2004.
It allows anyone to print images from their mobile devices onto instant film. pic.twitter.com/ZazUzR4Izy
Pilot project in Stockholm - photo radar cameras measure speed of passing cars. Those above the speed limit receive a fine. Those below are entered into a lottery for a chance to win a portion of the fines from speeders (up to $3000). Average speeds fell from 32km/h to 25 km/h. pic.twitter.com/F3WSTlVVlW— Brent Bellamy (@brent_bellamy) September 19, 2019
Simutaneous live-streaming on 40 accounts selling womens clothes. #Chinaecommerce pic.twitter.com/EMifFcCLLV— Matthew Brennan (@mbrennanchina) September 22, 2019
It is 2035— Choco (@RearAdmChoco) September 25, 2019
I point accusingly at a Boston Dynamics Parkour Atlas for being a tool of the world burners
It does a crane kick and knocks my jaw fully off
*Buy the Fujifilm Pivi mobile printer at ebay.